Committee and regional board assignments
New statewide assignment
Board of State and Community Corrections, board member
for the BSCC site
Cindy has been appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to the Board of State and Community Corrections, a board which works in partnership with local corrections systems and assists efforts to make improvements in reducing recidivism.
“It is an honor to be appointed by Governor Newsom to the Board of State and Community Corrections,” said Supervisor Cindy Chavez. “I look forward to working with the distinguished members of the Board on so many important issues related to our corrections system.” - Sup. Chavez
Note: This appointment will require Senate approval
Committee assignments
Cindy sits on the following committees for the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
view Committee meeting schedule
Children, Seniors and Families Committee, Chair
This committee is focused on a wide variety of issues in the areas of social services and child support services. In addition, the committee reviews the budgets for the County Social Services Agency, In-Home Supportive Services and the Department of Child Support Services.
Public Safety and Justice Committee, Vice-Chair
Public Safety and Justice Committee is responsible for oversight of the criminal justice system. A key area of focus is preserving the non-custodial treatment options brought about by the implementation of the voter-approved referendum mandating drug treatment instead of incarceration for non-violent drug crimes. Another key areas is the statutory relationship between the Department of Correction and the Office of the Sheriff. This committee also provides a venue for discussion of matters related to the court system. This committee reviews budget recommendations relating to the Criminal justice departments including the Office of the District Attorney, Office of the Public Defender, Office of the Sheriff, Probation Department, Department of Correction, Pretrial Services, Medical Examiner-Coroner.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), commissioner representing the County of Santa Clara
MTC is the transportation planning, financing, and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.
They collaborate with a network of other public agencies to help support the streets, roads, highways, transit systems and other transportation resources that help millions of people get to where they need to be.
MTC is governed by a 21-member board, the majority of whom are elected officials from throughout the Bay Area. The MTC Board also serves as the policy board for MTC's two affiliated agencies, the Bay Area Toll Authority and Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways.
Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors, Member
VTA is an independent, special district that is responsible for public transportation services, highway improvements and countywide transportation planning in Santa Clara County. VTA Board of Directors sets VTA policy. The Board has 17 members and two ex-officio members, all of whom are elected officials appointed to serve on our Board by the jurisdictions they represent. Fourteen Directors are city council members and three are County Supervisors. Twelve Directors serve as voting members and there are five Directors who serve as alternates.
VTA policy committees
Other assignments
- Association of Bay Area Governments, Executive Board Member
- Joint Foster Youth Task Force, Co-Chair
- El Camino Hospital District Facilities Authority, Commissioner
- Fairgrounds Management Corporation, Liaison
- Hate Crimes Task Force, Co-Chair
- Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee, Chair
- Regional Housing Task Force (Cities Association of Santa Clara), Delegate
- Mental Health Board, Delegate
- Human Trafficking Commission, Chair
- Intimate Partner Violence Blue Ribbon Task Force, Chair
- Jail Diversion and Behavioral Health Subcommittee of the Re-Entry Network, Chair
- Joint County/Water District Task Force, Member
- Prostitution Prevention and Harm Reduction Subcommittee of the Human Trafficking Commission, Co-Chair
- Santa Clara County Bail and Release Work Group, Chair
- Santa Clara County Planning Commission, Liaison
- San José Youth Empowerment Alliance, Member